Visual Basic Graphics Programming (2nd Edition)
Visual Basic Graphics Programming 2nd Edition.iso
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Visual Basic Form
471 lines
Begin VB.Form frmHexes1
Caption = "Hexes1"
ClientHeight = 3150
ClientLeft = 2550
ClientTop = 1800
ClientWidth = 3150
LinkTopic = "Form1"
PaletteMode = 1 'UseZOrder
ScaleHeight = 3150
ScaleWidth = 3150
Begin VB.HScrollBar HScrollBar
Height = 255
Left = 0
TabIndex = 2
Top = 2880
Width = 2895
Begin VB.VScrollBar VScrollBar
Height = 2895
Left = 2880
TabIndex = 1
Top = 0
Width = 255
Begin VB.PictureBox picCanvas
Height = 2880
Left = 0
ScaleHeight = 2820
ScaleWidth = 2820
TabIndex = 0
Top = 0
Width = 2880
Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
Caption = "&File"
Begin VB.Menu mnuFileExit
Caption = "E&xit"
Begin VB.Menu mnuScale
Caption = "&Scale"
Begin VB.Menu mnuScaleZoom
Caption = "&Zoom"
Shortcut = ^Z
Begin VB.Menu mnuScaleMag
Caption = "Full Scale"
Index = 1
Shortcut = ^F
Begin VB.Menu mnuScaleMag
Caption = "Magnify 1/2"
Index = 20
Shortcut = ^{F2}
Begin VB.Menu mnuScaleMag
Caption = "Magnify 1/4"
Index = 40
Shortcut = ^{F4}
Attribute VB_Name = "frmHexes1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' All of the Hex objects.
Private Hexes As Collection
' Global max and min world coordinates
' (including margins).
Private DataXmin As Single
Private DataXmax As Single
Private DataYmin As Single
Private DataYmax As Single
' Set the min and max allowed width and height.
Private DataMinWid As Single
Private DataMinHgt As Single
Private DataMaxWid As Single
Private DataMaxHgt As Single
' The aspect ratio of the viewport.
Private VAspect As Single
' Current world window bounds.
Private Wxmin As Single
Private Wxmax As Single
Private Wymin As Single
Private Wymax As Single
' Prevent change events when we are adjusting the
' scroll bars.
Private IgnoreSbarChange As Boolean
' Variables used for zooming.
Private DrawingMode As Integer
Const MODE_NONE = 0
Private StartX As Single
Private StartY As Single
Private LastX As Single
Private LastY As Single
Private OldMode As Integer
' The object that is highlighted.
Private Selectedhex As Object
' Find the object at this point.
Private Function ObjectAt(ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Dim obj As Hex
Set ObjectAt = Nothing
For Each obj In Hexes
With obj
If obj.IsAt(X, Y) Then
Set ObjectAt = obj
Exit For
End If
End With
Next obj
End Function
' End a zoom operation early. This happens if the
' user starts a zoom and the selects another menu
' item instead of doing the zoom.
Private Sub StopZoom()
If DrawingMode <> MODE_START_ZOOM Then Exit Sub
DrawingMode = MODE_NONE
picCanvas.DrawMode = OldMode
picCanvas.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
' Change the level of magnification.
Private Sub SetScaleFactor(fact As Single)
Dim wid As Single
Dim hgt As Single
Dim mid As Single
fact = 1 / fact
' Compute the new world window size.
wid = fact * (Wxmax - Wxmin)
hgt = fact * (Wymax - Wymin)
' Center the new world window over the old.
mid = (Wxmax + Wxmin) / 2
Wxmin = mid - wid / 2
Wxmax = mid + wid / 2
mid = (Wymax + Wymin) / 2
Wymin = mid - hgt / 2
Wymax = mid + hgt / 2
' Set the new world window bounds.
End Sub
' Adjust the world window so it is not too big,
' too small, off to one side, or of the wrong
' aspect ratio. Then map the world window to the
' viewport and force the viewport to repaint.
Private Sub SetWorldWindow()
Dim wid As Single
Dim hgt As Single
Dim xmid As Single
Dim ymid As Single
Dim aspect As Single
wid = Wxmax - Wxmin
xmid = (Wxmax + Wxmin) / 2
hgt = Wymax - Wymin
ymid = (Wymax + Wymin) / 2
' Make sure we're not too big or too small.
If wid > DataMaxWid Then
wid = DataMaxWid
ElseIf wid < DataMinWid Then
wid = DataMinWid
End If
If hgt > DataMaxHgt Then
hgt = DataMaxHgt
ElseIf hgt < DataMinHgt Then
hgt = DataMinHgt
End If
' Make the aspect ratio match the
' viewport aspect ratio.
aspect = hgt / wid
If aspect > VAspect Then
' Too tall and thin. Make it wider.
wid = hgt / VAspect
' Too short and wide. Make it taller.
hgt = wid * VAspect
End If
' Compute the new coordinates
Wxmin = xmid - wid / 2
Wxmax = xmid + wid / 2
Wymin = ymid - hgt / 2
Wymax = ymid + hgt / 2
' Check that we're not off to one side.
If wid > DataMaxWid Then
' We're wider than the picture. Center.
xmid = (DataXmax + DataXmin) / 2
Wxmin = xmid - wid / 2
Wxmax = xmid + wid / 2
' Else see if we're too far to one side.
If Wxmin < DataXmin And Wxmax < DataXmax Then
' Adjust to the right.
Wxmax = Wxmax + DataXmin - Wxmin
Wxmin = DataXmin
End If
If Wxmax > DataXmax And Wxmin > DataXmin Then
' Adjust to the left.
Wxmin = Wxmin + DataXmax - Wxmax
Wxmax = DataXmax
End If
End If
If hgt > DataMaxHgt Then
' We're taller than the picture. Center.
ymid = (DataYmax + DataYmin) / 2
Wymin = ymid - hgt / 2
Wymax = ymid + hgt / 2
' See if we're too far to top or bottom.
If Wymin < DataYmin And Wymax < DataYmax Then
' Adjust downward.
Wymax = Wymax + DataYmin - Wymin
Wymin = DataYmin
End If
If Wymax > DataYmax And Wymin > DataYmin Then
' Adjust upward.
Wymin = Wymin + DataYmax - Wymax
Wymax = DataYmax
End If
End If
' Map the world window to the viewport.
picCanvas.Scale (Wxmin, Wymax)-(Wxmax, Wymin)
' Force the viewport to repaint.
' Reset the scroll bars.
IgnoreSbarChange = True
HScrollBar.Visible = (wid < DataXmax - DataXmin)
VScrollBar.Visible = (hgt < DataYmax - DataYmin)
' The values of the scroll bars will be where
' the top/left of the world window should be.
VScrollBar.Min = 100 * (DataYmax)
VScrollBar.Max = 100 * (DataYmin + hgt)
HScrollBar.Min = 100 * (DataXmin)
HScrollBar.Max = 100 * (DataXmax - wid)
' SmallChange moves the world window 1/10
' of its width/height. Large change moves it
' 9/10 of its width/height.
VScrollBar.SmallChange = 100 * (hgt / 10)
VScrollBar.LargeChange = 100 * (9 * hgt / 10)
HScrollBar.SmallChange = 100 * (wid / 10)
HScrollBar.LargeChange = 100 * (9 * wid / 10)
' Set the current scroll bar values.
VScrollBar.Value = 100 * Wymax
HScrollBar.Value = 100 * Wxmin
IgnoreSbarChange = False
End Sub
' Return to the default magnification scale.
Private Sub SetScaleFull()
' Reset the world window coordinates.
Wxmin = DataXmin
Wxmax = DataXmax
Wymin = DataYmin
Wymax = DataYmax
' Set the new world window bounds.
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
Dim wid As Single
Dim hgt As Single
' Fit the viewport to the window.
X = picCanvas.Left
Y = picCanvas.Top
wid = ScaleWidth - 2 * X - VScrollBar.Width
hgt = ScaleHeight - 2 * Y - HScrollBar.Height
picCanvas.Move X, Y, wid, hgt
VAspect = hgt / wid
' Place the scroll bars next to the viewport.
X = picCanvas.Left + picCanvas.Width + 10
Y = picCanvas.Top
wid = VScrollBar.Width
hgt = picCanvas.Height
VScrollBar.Move X, Y, wid, hgt
X = picCanvas.Left
Y = picCanvas.Top + picCanvas.Height + 10
wid = picCanvas.Width
hgt = HScrollBar.Height
HScrollBar.Move X, Y, wid, hgt
' Start at full scale.
End Sub
' Make the Hexes.
Private Sub MakeHexes()
Const NUM_ROWS = 50
Const NUM_COLS = 50
Dim new_hex As Hex
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
Dim wid As Single
Dim hgt As Single
MousePointer = vbHourglass
Set Hexes = New Collection
Y = 0
For i = 1 To NUM_ROWS
X = 0
For j = 1 To NUM_COLS
Set new_hex = New Hex
Hexes.Add new_hex
new_hex.Cx = X
new_hex.Cy = Y
new_hex.Radius = 0.4
X = X + 2
Next j
Y = Y + 2
Next i
wid = 2 * NUM_COLS + 1
hgt = 2 * NUM_ROWS + 1
DataXmin = -0.1 * wid ' 10 % margins.
DataYmin = -0.1 * hgt
DataXmax = 1.1 * wid
DataYmax = 1.1 * hgt
DataMinWid = 10
DataMinHgt = 10
DataMaxWid = DataXmax - DataXmin
DataMaxHgt = DataYmax - DataYmin
MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
' Move the world window.
Private Sub HScrollBar_Change()
If IgnoreSbarChange Then Exit Sub
End Sub
' The vertical scroll bar has been moved. Adjust
' the world window.
Private Sub VScrollBarChanged()
Dim hgt As Single
hgt = Wymax - Wymin
Wymax = VScrollBar.Value / 100
Wymin = Wymax - hgt
' Remap the world window.
IgnoreSbarChange = True
IgnoreSbarChange = False
End Sub
' The horizontal scroll bar has been moved. Adjust
' the world window.
Private Sub HScrollBarChanged()
Dim wid As Single
wid = Wxmax - Wxmin
Wxmin = HScrollBar.Value / 100
Wxmax = Wxmin + wid
' Remap the world window.
IgnoreSbarChange = True
IgnoreSbarChange = False
End Sub
Private Sub mnuFileExit_Click()
StopZoom ' If we're zooming, stop it.
Unload Me
End Sub
' Change the level of magnification.
Private Sub mnuScaleMag_Click(Index As Integer)
StopZoom ' If we're zooming, stop it.
If Index = 1 Then
' Return to full scale.
ElseIf Index < 10 Then
' Magnify by the indicated amount.
SetScaleFactor CSng(Index)
' Zoom out by 1/(Index \ 10).
SetScaleFactor 1 / (Index \ 10)
End If
End Sub
' Allow the user to select an area to zoom in on.
Private Sub mnuScaleZoom_Click()
' Enable zooming.
picCanvas.MousePointer = vbCrosshair
End Sub
' If we are zooming, start the rubberband hex.
Private Sub picCanvas_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Select Case DrawingMode
' Start a zooming rubberband hex.
DrawingMode = MODE_ZOOMING
OldMode = picCanvas.DrawMode
picCanvas.DrawMode = vbInvert
StartX = X
StartY = Y
LastX = X
LastY = Y
picCanvas.Line (StartX, StartY)-(LastX, LastY), , B
' Select a hex.
Dim oldcolor As Long
' Unhighlight the previous hex.
If Not Selectedhex Is Nothing Then
Selectedhex.Highlighted = False
Selectedhex.Draw picCanvas
End If
' Find the selected hex.
Set Selectedhex = ObjectAt(X, Y)
' Highlight the selected hex.
If Not Selectedhex Is Nothing Then
Selectedhex.Highlighted = True
Selectedhex.Draw picCanvas
End If
End Select
End Sub
' If we are zooming, continue the rubberband hex.
Private Sub picCanvas_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If DrawingMode <> MODE_ZOOMING Then Exit Sub
' Erase the old hex.
picCanvas.Line (StartX, StartY)-(LastX, LastY), , B
' Draw the new hex.
LastX = X
LastY = Y
picCanvas.Line (StartX, StartY)-(LastX, LastY), , B
End Sub
' If we are zooming, finish the rubberband hex.
Private Sub picCanvas_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim wid As Single
Dim hgt As Single
Dim mid As Single
If DrawingMode <> MODE_ZOOMING Then Exit Sub
DrawingMode = MODE_NONE
' Erase the old hex.
picCanvas.Line (StartX, StartY)-(LastX, LastY), , B
LastX = X
LastY = Y
' We're done drawing for this rubberband hex.
picCanvas.DrawMode = OldMode
picCanvas.MousePointer = vbDefault
' Set the new world window bounds.
If StartX > LastX Then
Wxmin = LastX
Wxmax = StartX
Wxmin = StartX
Wxmax = LastX
End If
If StartY > LastY Then
Wymin = LastY
Wymax = StartY
Wymin = StartY
Wymax = LastY
End If
' Set the new world window bounds.
End Sub
Private Sub picCanvas_Paint()
Dim obj As Hex
MousePointer = vbHourglass
' Make the Hexes draw themselves.
For Each obj In Hexes
obj.Draw picCanvas
Next obj
MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
' Move the world window.
Private Sub VScrollBar_Change()
If IgnoreSbarChange Then Exit Sub
End Sub